On Saturday, June 9, the Scuola Italiana di Copiapó 2018 Athletics Championship was held in the premises of the establishment of the same name.

The invited categories:

Sub Penecas.
Children born 2008 2009.
Penecas born 2007 2006.
And preparatory category born in 2005


GWinners of the CESFAM Children's Drawing Contest Dr. Armando Ossa, with the theme: "I love and respect older adults".os Mayores".

1st Place: Vicente Martínez Aróstica,
Buen Pastor School (KINDER C)

Friday, June 8




Multidisciplinary Team

Month of June is the month of the ENVIRONMENT, so that our school as part of our institutional seal "Formation of Environmental Awareness and Healthy Life", we work together with the support of institutions such as Aguas Chañar and I. Municipality of Copiapó, We will be supporting the family bike activity, and we invite our community to participate in this activity. Invites Department of Environment and Healthy Living of the Good Shepherd School.

Tuesday and Wednesday we received Astrokidz in our school. The students had the opportunity to hold a meteorite, observe the sun with eclipse lenses and observe the space in the mobile Planetarium. Our students enjoyed this entertaining activity.

The last Friday 18th  May,  it was carried out the First Spelling Bee Contest by our School. The competition was divided in four categories and the jury  was in charged of Adrian Toro Cayul, distinguished English teacher from Héroes de Atacama High School, Didier Aguilar Muñoz and Rossana Gómez, professors from The Language Department, from The University of Atacama.

May 31 "World Day without smoking"

Our Pre-Basic and Basic Secondary students enjoyed sports and recreational activities in the Kaukari Park, an activity organized by the Municipal Sports Team in conjunction with the National Sports Institute. Where they participated in Zumba, motor circuits, beach soccer and baby beach.

Winning Class of Attendance:


Month of April 2018

Multidisciplinary Team

On Wednesday, June 30, the theater group Dispositivo Hospital Day belonging to the San José del Carmen Regional Hospital of Copiapó visited us, directed by Professor Paulo Cifuentes, presenting the work María y el Lobo feroz which students of the first basic of our College attended, who enjoyed the talent, sympathy and professionalism of the participants. We congratulate the teacher for making and showing the work done by their students.

Our students of the basketball team of our establishment (ladies and men) will participate on May 30 at the First Sports Basketball Meeting in the premises of the Bernando O'Higgins School, in order to encourage sports practice inside our establishments .

We wish them well!!!

Contact Us

Guillermo Matta 316


+56 2 235180 Copiapó, Chile